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Andrews County Library


The Andrews County Library is home to a large collection of books, magazines, movies, and research materials in many different formats. No matter what you are looking for, we can help you find it!

Browse the Catalog

Library Catalog


  • Adult Fiction and Nonfiction
  • Young Adult/Teen Fiction and Nonfiction
  • Youth Fiction and Nonfiction
  • Large Print Titles
  • Westerns
  • Anime, Manga, graphic novels
  • Reference
  • Blu-Rays and DVDs (including new releases)
  • Audiobooks (CDs)
  • Genealogy
  • Magazines

Interlibrary Loans

Interlibrary Loans

The Andrews County Library participates in the national loan program that permits the library to borrow materials for its patrons from other libraries.  This service is available to all patrons whose record is clear of fines and overdue items and who have had a library card for at least six months at the Andrews County Library.  Books and photocopies of articles from periodicals not owned by the Andrews County Library, or are otherwise unavailable, may be requested through interlibrary loan. 

The library charges postage one way for ILL and will be paid by the patron whether they decide to use the book or not. The patron is responsible for charges or fines imposed by the lending library.